805.643.7222 | info@ventura-chamber.org| 2478 E. Main St., Ventura, CA 93003

Business Development

The Ventura Chamber of Commerce works year round to support a strong local economy through its stewardship of city policy and business development. From conception of development projects, through the approval process and into the future; safeguarding the vitality of existing business and business expansion and recruitment.

One of the best ways to become informed and involved is to join a division committee. Currently the Business Development Division of the Board of Directors of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce has the following active committees and task forces: Economic Development Committee, City Fees Task Force, City Budget Task Force, Key Executive Roundtable and issues focus groups as needed. To learn more please contact President and CEO Stephanie Caldwell by e-mail at stephanie@ventura-chamber.org or call (805) 643-7222.

On the Side of Business at all Levels

At the local level we are playing an increasing role as the voice of business when advocating public policy changes that stimulate and sustain growth for business resulting in the creation and retention of jobs. The Chamber remains committed to having a productive working relationship with lawmakers fostering a positive employment climate that will support global class schools and an outstanding quality of life for the citizens of the City of Ventura.

Each year our members are invited and encouraged to join the California and Ventura chambers at the California Business Legislative Summit in the Spring. This two day trip to Sacramento is complete with business meetings with legislators and a conference with the governor.

To help members become involved with our election process you may find more information on our Governmental Representatives where we have provided you with information on city, county, state and federal representatives. If you feel you want to become more involved with what is going on in our city please consider joining the Economic Development Committee. For more information please contact Stephanie Caldwell by email stephanie@ventura-chamber.org or call (805) 643-7222.

The Ventura Chamber of Commerce has also compiled a Business Resource Center including support services, special programs, and outside agencies to provide you with a comprehensive network of support.