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Join a Committee

The Ventura Chamber of Commerce has several active committees! Members are welcome to join committees to get the most out of their membership.


The Ventura Chamber of Commerce is very proud to have a dedicated group of Ambassadors who promote the work of the chamber by their participation. As an Ambassador with the Ventura Chamber of Commerce, individuals agree to actively participate in Chamber activities, providing support to the Chamber and its members. The Ambassadors meet monthly on the second Wednesday of every month at 8:00 a.m. at the VCCU Corporate office. To learn more about becoming an Ambassador, contact Ashley at

Economic Development & Legislative

The Ventura Chamber’s Economic Development & Legislative Committee promotes the local, state, and federal legislative interests of the business community and works to highlight and discuss issues of interest and is dedicated to identifying and solving the key economic issues facing the City of Ventura. Year round, the Chamber monitors key development projects in the City, as well as notable policies from our local legislators and how these projects and policies affect the Ventura Business Community as a whole. The committee is also dedicated to promoting the local, state, and federal legislative interests of the business community and works to highlight and discuss issues of interest to our members. To join this committee, e-mail

Young Professionals Group

The Ventura Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group (YPG) is comprised of young professionals between the ages of 21-40 who are interested in creating positive change in self and the community. Our YPG focuses on Professional Development, Networking and Community Service Opportunities. Any Young Professional who is a member of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce through their employer is welcome. For Young Professionals who are employed by a non-chamber member, we offer a YPG only rate. E-mail for details about joining YPG.

Teacher of the Month / Ventura Commerce & Education Foundation:

Our Teacher of the Month program celebrates 10 teachers every school year by crashing a staff meeting and showering a teacher with thanks and gifts! To get involved, donate ten gifts worth $25 or more for each of our recipients, then join us each month to celebrate an educator at one of the VUSD schools. E-mail to get involved.

Ventura Chamber Toastmasters

Ventura Chamber Toastmasters is a club chartered for Ventura Chamber of Commerce members through Toastmasters International. This group meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at the VCCU office and works together to grow in public speaking and leadership skills. Members of Ventura Chamber Toastmasters gain access to Toastmasters Pathway’s curriculum.  For more information, or to join the club, reach out to

Biz Connections

The Ventura Chamber of Commerce has Four lead referral “Biz Connect” Groups. One person from each industry may join each group. The goal of these groups is to get to know one another to generate referral business. For more information, visit the Biz Connect Page HERE


The mission of the Ventura Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee (PAC) is to seek out, endorse and support candidates to run for public office at the City and County levels who support free enterprise, believe in fiscally responsible government and whose views represent the interest of both the private and public sectors of the economy. Learn more about the PAC by e-mailing or by checking out our PAC Page HERE